《Disney My First 1000 Words》介绍 《My First 1000 Words》通过迪士尼卡通角色探索神奇的单词世界,美女与野兽、狮子王、超能陆战队、玩具总动员、汽车总动员等等,这些孩子们熟悉喜欢的动画角色都可以在书中找到,生动的插画,每一个单词为孩子们提供了重要的单词视觉和上下文线索,帮助孩子培养英语技能,进行高效的单词...
绘本《My first 1000 words》,中国科学文化音像出版社 绘本内容 My first 1000 words
My First 1000 English Words 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Berlitz My First 1000 Words in English is perfect for children aged 4 years and up who are developing their vocabulary and are learning new words. This colourful, illustrated book features a thousand words depicted through 27 differ...
DISNEY My First 1000 Words 2025 pdf epub mobi 电子书 图书描述 Disney characters invite children to discover the world of words in a new and magical way with My First 1000 Words. Thematic environments such as Beauty and the Beast's "Be Our Guest" and The Lion King's "Jungle Animals" bri...
This is a nice book, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how they chose some of these as the first words and left out so many basic ones。 Reference google bookhttps://www.google.com/search?tbm=bks&q=My First 100 Words ...
My First 1000 WORDS 16开 精装 作者:不详 出版社:不详 出版时间:1996 装帧:精装 页数:90页 售价¥66.00 品相九品 发货 承诺48小时内发货 运费 上书时间2020-08-07 数量 仅1件在售,欲购从速 立即购买 十一年老店 郓州书店 店铺等级 拍卖等级 资质认证 ...
My First 1000 Words English/Spanish,我的本1000词汇的英语/西班牙语书,Brown Watson,Brown Watson,My First 1000 Words English
内容简介· ··· It's crucial for Spanish-speaking children living in the U.S. to start learning English, but learning Spanish at an early age is also extremely valuable for English-speaking kids. This Spanish/English vocabulary book encourages parents to take advantage of their kids' key ea...
My First 1000 Words(机器翻译:我的第一本1000个词汇书)作者:Jan Lewis 出版社:Peter Haddock ISBN(13位):9780710512376 语种:英语 开本:8 页数:96 市场价:¥ 200.0装帧 成色 申东价 活动价 库存 精装 九成新 ¥ 45.00 ¥ 39.60 0 有货通知 ...
《My First 1000 Words》是#澍然童学#分享的第一个儿歌动画合集,涵盖宝宝英语启蒙必掌握的第一个1000词汇,通过听&看儿歌动画,轻松掌握。这套儿歌动画来自English Singing,目前已更新880+集,本号将分学习主题结集分享,记得关注#澍然童学#,方便收看哦~