The most anticipated graphic novel of 2024, concluding the story of young Karen Reyes, the most inspiring “monster” in contemporary fiction. Set against the tumultuous political backdrop of late ’60s Chicago, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters Book Two is the eagerly awaited conclusion to one of ...
guest Free plan | Upgrade account_circle My profile My mods My collections image My media account_balance_wallet My wallet Tracking centre history Download history Give Feedback settings Account settings tune Site preferences exit_to_app Sign out All games Skyrim Images Aesthetics My favorite monster...
Set against the tumultuous political backdrop of late ’60s Chicago, My Favorite Thing Is Monsters is the fictional graphic diary of 10-year-old Karen Reyes, filled with B-movie horror and pulp monster magazines iconography. Karen Reyes tries to solve the murder of her e... ...
With its deliberate foregrounding of inhumanness and spectacularity, Emil Ferris's My Favorite Thing Is Monsters commits many of Wood's list of transgressions against the traditional novel. This article examines how Ferris's book is unaffected by negative reactions to this transgressiveness, ...
Blow My Cartridge-L Dash by:嘻哈有态度 11.4万 My Weird School【490-680L】 by:阿文有点呆 5962 Alien in My Pocket【650L+】 by:阿文有点呆 1293 论宪fa不服从(完) by:童年de小书斋 229 Settin Up Shop-Big Fa$e Mel Feat. Yay/Big Fa$e Mel/Big Fa$e Mel Feat. Chris Chips ...
My Favourite Book英语作文 1 I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but “Harry Porter” is my favorite one. The story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. His Z-shaped scar and magic stick ...
英语作文以My Favorite Book为题 1 I enjoy reading different kinds of books, but “Harry Porter” is my favorite one. the story is very long but I am interested in it. Harry was such a brave and clever boy that he dared to fight against powerful enemies. ...
is it a monster是怪兽吗 英语动画 |蝙蝠和朋友们 bat and friends - 24- pig finds his friends找到了 英语动画 |蝙蝠和朋友们 bat and friends - 23- pig seeks寻找 英语动画 |蝙蝠和朋友们 bat and friends - 22- h...
28 - My Favorite Monster 62 2020-04 查看更多 猜你喜欢 1293 论宪fa不服从(完) by:童年de小书斋 229 Settin Up Shop-Big Fa$e Mel Feat. Yay/Big Fa$e Mel/Big Fa$e Mel Feat. Chris Chips by:嘻哈有态度 4.4万 4、幼儿启蒙篇FA册伴奏 ...
AttmozMonster Names/Celestials 10 16 Lunarduo·10/6/2024in General Gimmie celestial headcanons Here's some of mine: Attmoz and Galvana are really close due to both being leader-types. The "Octopus" that hangs around Hornacal is actually a squeed. Loodvig's friend group at school is ...