4 titanoboa Titanoboa makes complex workflows easy. It is a low-code workflow orchestration platform for JVM - distributed, highly scalable and fault tolerant. commsor 917 5 FiraCode Free monospaced font with programming ligatures tonsky 78278⬆...
steoo/Netflix-TV - A chrome extension to play random netflix movie based on categories through tv-like channels reek/anti-adblock-killer - Anti-Adblock Killer helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable. standard/standard - 🌟 JavaScript St...
I would placeIndiana Jones and the Great Circlejust a notch below. This is not so much the game’s fault as a matter of personal taste — later areas moved away from the verticality, focus on freeform exploration, and gorgeous architecture that enchanted me so much in the first area, the...
**Spoiler Alert if you haven’t seen the movie yet. I walked out of the theater after watchingMagic Mike XXLwith a huge smile on my face and it wasn’t just because Channing Tatum and his crew know how to dance sexy while wearing minimal clothing. Having a mainstream summer movie cater...
memfault.com— Cloud device observability and debugging platform. 100 devices free for Nordic, NXP, and Laird devices. rollbar.com— Exception and error monitoring, free plan with 5,000 errors/month, unlimited users, 30 days retention sentry.io— Sentry tracks app exceptions in real-time and ...
We’d make love- and all I wanted was for you to tell me how you felt, kiss my neck, and be in the moment, but YOU put YOU first. This wasn’t a result of a *disorder*, this was ignoring what turned me on.But it’s my fault I didn’t let you try?You had the answer an...
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However, Twilight insists that she has been much happier since transferring to Canterlot High, especially after the events of the Friendship Games. Sunset assures Twilight that what happened during the Games was not her fault and that her friends have forgiven her. ...
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Straightforward to a fault, but with all the basics covered will have to do. When it comes to sound, the Quadcast S captures clear and crisp audio even on low gain settings, although it must be said it's a little plosive-prone. Still, the sound profile leans towards clarity without ...