‘My Fault’ sequels ‘Your Fault and Our Fault’ green lighted; ‘My Fault’ (Culpa mía) was the biggest travelling non-English language local Original in Prime Video history. Prime Video has greenlit the Spanish Original films ‘Your Fault and Our Fault’, following the success of ‘My...
English Teacher, TheEnlighten Up!Enough SaidEnron: The Smartest Guys In The RoomEntanglementEnter the VoidEntertainmentEntourageEnvyEpicEpic MovieEqualizer, TheEqualizer 2, TheEqualsEragonErasedEraserErin BrockovichErosEscape from New YorkEscape From Planet EarthEscape PlanEscapist, TheEscobar: Paradise Lost...
my heart settled land my heart shattered my heart stubborn pur my heart was so full my heart will go on l my hearts at your com my heartily t my hobby is fishing my home in shantou my home is in the my homemade my hometownthe pamirs my homework is being my hopes for our frie my...
I would placeIndiana Jones and the Great Circlejust a notch below. This is not so much the game’s fault as a matter of personal taste — later areas moved away from the verticality, focus on freeform exploration, and gorgeous architecture that enchanted me so much in the first area, the...
©By Leo Adam Biga, Author of “Alexander Payne: His Journey in Film” Some of my recent Hot Movie Takes have focused on films celebrating 50 year anniversaries this year. In reviewing what I wrote, it occurred to me that an unusual number of very good English-language films were orig...
I like being able to keep things organized and this app is perfect for doing that with movies and TV shows. It’s unfortunate that the app’s rating is constantly pulled down by people giving low ratings when it’s their own fault for misunderstanding the goal of the app: organization, ...
The main character Kristen being played by a different actress does not help the film only making it lack any consistency, the fact that actress Patricia Arquette had little interest in returning for around two in the role is not the film’s fault, but a brand-new character instead of a ...
British-style eatery and we gave it a respectableBrits in Toronto 4/5 stars. The menu has changed many times since then, but if you went in today, some example dishes include Stuffed Yorkie, Pie & Mash, Pork & Beans and Bubble & Squeak Gnocchi and — of course — a Full English. ...
I could blame this on my son-in-law, but it really doesn’t come close to being his fault. A couple of years ago, we invited a remodel company into our kitchen to discuss our plans for the bathroom in our 1930’s bungalow. The linoleum was curling, and the shower stall was growing...
One states that 24 silent stars have all killed themselves in despair. Ha. Ha. Ha. Now, you can’t really blame Franco for the disparity between Vampiresas… and the movie it depends on for its first half. The story and screenplay were the fault— ahem, work of Pío Ballasteros, with...