What's wrong with my excel? I already reinstalled it several times but problems seem to be inconsistent and it really makes me look like I don't know how to work with Excel anymore, altough I used it for years. I hope it was a little bit clear as it is difficult to explain by wor...
Step 4: Finally select the file extensions of the files that won’t open and set their default App to Excel. Solution 5: Get Microsoft Support's Assistance If you've tried all of the solutions above and still can't open your Excel file, your best bet is to seek out assistance from ...
Button that will Show AND Hide a text box Button_Click event fires multiple times button.Enabled = false not working Byte array sum Byte Array to a Structure Byte array to excel workbook Byte array to string byte image convert to image , parameter is not valid error BYTE Swap Endianness byt...
Connect Excel to SSRS Connecting SSRS to an Odata, Odata V4 or Soap Web service Control Line Spacing - Padding in a Table Controlling PDF export filename Conversion from string "" to type date is not valid conversion from type 'string()' to type 'String' is not valid error Conversion of...
If you think something is wrong or missing, feel free to open an issue or pull request. Relaxed focus on your monitor Do not look at the keyboard while you type. Have a relaxed focus on your monitor. I type with ten fingers. It's like flying if you learned it. Your eyes can stay...
Well... the QuickBooks installer sets up IIF files to be associated with QuickBooks, not Excel. It has always done this and it's always been sort of dumb as then when you double-click an IIF file then you get a QB warning that you can't open IIF files ...
Are you experiencing the same problem as this user? When you left mouse click on any file like image, doc, excel, then it removes everything which you open instead of executing a proper operation. That’s to say, any file that you open on the laptop gets deleted. What’s going on?
I am using excel to be able to quickly change file names so that I can rename all files and folders in bulk. However when I copy and paste it into notepad it looses its structure on files with long names and does not work when I run thale batch file....
When I check in Task Manager, the System Idle Process will not drop lower than 75%, and the Excel process will max out at 25%. I’ve tried upping the priority of the process and have checked the “affinity” to ensure it’s using all four processor cores. The Performance tab does sh...