Hi Pati – Sorry to hear that your ottoman is still tacky. The best way would be to strip it. I would use CitraStrip – less toxic. Clean it well and then respray. I would place it on a piece of stiff cardboard that you can slide or pick up so after you spray you can move ...
epoxy equal equip essay ethic ethos etude evade event evict evoke exact exalt excel exile exist expel extol exult eying fable facet faint faith false fancy fanny fatal fatty fault fauna feast fecal feign fella felon femme fence fetal fetch fetid fetus ficus field fiend fifth fifty fight filet ...
It appears that those two cast iron bars are part of the shift mechanism though I am not sure of their purpose. They seem to support the basket during shifts. If you know the name and purpose of these broken parts, let me know. I’ll be using JB Weld SteelStik or an epoxy adhesive...
Life is shorter than we can fathom in the greater scope of things. There is so much I want to accomplish and I’m uncertain if there is enough energy left in me or time left on this planet to get it all done. I suppose these thoughts have always been with me, but I’ve been les...
I have some seam seal with the quick dry agent with me, as well as loctite outdoor epoxy. Not sure if I should look for something else or try to work with what I have… Any thoughts? Loading... Reply lucmehl 5 Aug 2015 at 9:08 pm My first thought is to check with the ...
Keep a small sample of unused epoxy from each batch of epoxy you mix to make sure it cured properly (kicked off). Your sample should be hard after curing time has passed. If it is stil soft and tacky after 24 hours, that is bad. After assembly, clean up the excess epoxy as best...