Pants on Fire
if the breaking-up is if the clown cry if the election is on if the enemies captur if the facts of a cas if the leaves can exp if the liberals lose if the node if the person who com if the silence takes if the things if the triangular dis if the words had if their if then ...
This week while moving a few more dollars to the sideline, at least until after the November 2024 election and until mid-January 2025 (parked in a 3-month CD) … I […] Category: AI, Financial, Technology | No Comments » Tags: artificial intelligence, federal reserve,,...
your sole and exclusive remedy will be limited to reimbursement for services or products you paid for but did not receive under the Program, or the issuance of Points under the Program as compensation, at GM’s election. You agree to waive any claim or action of any kind in any forum tha...
You can clearly see Dick and Pat on the left at what looks like a campaign event just about 3 weeks before the historic 1960 presidential election which he lost to John Kennedy...the famed "you won't have Nixon to kick around any more" election. It is interesting both for Minox enthusi...
your sole and exclusive remedy will be limited to reimbursement for services or products you paid for but did not receive under the Program, or the issuance of Points under the Program as compensation, at GM’s election. You agree to waive any claim or action of any kind in any forum tha...
Election officials should be nonpartisan. And a full-scale, frontal attack on the issues of cash in politics must be launched: public matches for tiny donations and effective transparency requirements within the short run; a constitutional amendment enabling reasonable limits on the flow of cash in...
From a personal perspective, I think many Americans were also holding onto their dollars because it was an election year. Everyone was waiting to see what happened in November. But, guess what? The peso has taken a tumble against the dollar. In the last 2-3 months, the exchange rate of...
You’re probably all aware of the seminal study, but I’ll recap anyway. Asch gathered groups of people and showed them a card with three lines of obviously different lengths. Then he asked participants which line was the closest to the reference line. The answer was obvious – even a tod...
NOTE:College STUDENTS must apply for a ballot EVERY election cycle,meaning every time there’s an upcoming election, you have to resubmit this form. Unfair? Yes, that’s how they keep you from voting. SIGN & DATE Sign and date the form.IMPORTANT:the signature on this form will be compare...