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ELCImagePickerController 相册选照片的三方库,一千多star,不过2年未更新过了。 VIPhotoView - 图片浏览,用于展示图片的工具类,因为是个 View,所以你可以放在任何地方显示。支持旋转,双击指定位置放大等。 AGImagePickerController - 是一个图片选择器,支持图片多选,支持大图横滑预览,支持放大预览,支持横竖屏,支持...
ShaunGO48/MIPS-Lab "Weekly Lab manual, starter code, test data, and test fixtures for MIPS computer in ELC3338." licess/lnmp LNMP一键安装包是一个用Linux Shell编写的可以为CentOS/RHEL/Fedora/Aliyun/Amazon、Debian/Ubuntu/Raspbian/Deepin/Mint Linux VPS或独立主机安装LNMP(Nginx/MySQL/PHP)、LNMPA(...
# This is a lightweight ML agent trained by self-play. # After sharing this notebook, # we will add Hungry Geese environment in our HandyRL library. # # We hope you enjoy reinforcement learning! import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib....
入住布城的3臥室公寓 - 305平方公尺/2間專用衛浴期間,您可以在早晨或晚上前往附近的公園散步,包括Padang Vista Emas、ELC Herbs Garden和ELC Playground。 布城的3臥室公寓 - 305平方公尺/2間專用衛浴的兒童床鋪政策是什麼? 根據布城的3臥室公寓 - 305平方公尺/2間專用衛浴的兒童床鋪政策規定,年齡為22歲及以上的顧...
pod 'ELCImagePickerController', '~> 0.2.0' StitchingImage - 仿微信群组封面拼接控件, 直接拖进项目就可使用,教程。 SDECollectionViewAlbumTransition - 用自定义的 push 和 pop 实现了有趣的 iOS 相册翻开动画效果。 DNImagePicker - 类似wechat的图片选择。 CocoaPicker - 仿QQ图片选择器(OC)。 JFImage...
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(mostly always on) Configuration PC in the study. I am thinking of moving this to a RPi with MAX2Play need to look into this as I have a few Rpi around the house that only have Libreelc Installed. It really is a shame Logitech shelved this product as its functionality in some ways ...