eBay users come to the My eBay page to get summary and specific data about their buying and selling, to set their preferences, and to manage their accounts. The content of a user's My eBay page is specific to that user. This content consists of a number of different item lists. These...
When you're ready to bid on an item you're watching, you can click the Bid Now button in My eBay. Be sure to become a registered user on eBay before you place a bid on an item. Once you register, you'll see the Watched items will move to your personal version of My eBay. As...
eBay loginis a gate leading you to the magnificent world of eBay. It opens endless possibilities for browsing and purchasing items throughout the entire world. Your name on eBay, provided and protected by your login data, governs such things as your finances, your goods, and your reputations....
A: 点击My eBay Summary中的Sold,再点击Edit。然后点击弹出窗口的顶端的Customize。点选上端的Choose your own选项。在Item一栏勾选Item ID。Q: 在新版My eBay中,我如何才能显示物品的总金额?A: 到My eBay Summary中的相关模块点击Edit。(例如:如果你想查看你关注的物品总金额,就请访问Wacthing模块;查看你已经...
报告My eBay Opens Seller Hub 加载项的滥用行为 如果你认为此加载项违反了 Microsoft Store 内容策略,请使用此表单。 选择滥用类别 * 威胁、网络欺凌、骚扰 骚扰是旨在打扰或扰乱一个人或一群人的任何行为。威胁包括任何自杀、暴力或伤害他人的威胁。 儿童危害或剥削 与儿童色情、儿童裸体或其他儿童虐待或剥削有关...
Hello, I am wondering if I can change(transfer) my.ebay.co.uk user account to my.ebay.com ? I don't want to create a new one since I have 200+
Lisää tiliisi kortti ja kirjaudu sisään sähköpostiosoitteella ja salasanalla aina, kun haluat ostaa jotain verkossa. "PayPal tekee ostamisesta vaivatonta, ja uskallan sen ansiosta tehdä ostoksia eBayssa silloinkin, kun en tunne myyjää." ...
At this point, I was truly worked up. eBay's response was basically to make me do the dirty work to end a problem that the company should have been able to prevent in the first place. My final message to eBay UK ran: “I fear that no one is paying attention to what I am telling...
EBAY EXPRESS, My ResultsS suthrnjewlMember I've got 319 auctions up on express and the number grows daily. Evidently it didn't import them all the initial day but have been importing constantly. I figure by the end of this week or next, all 500 of my auctions will import. Now for...
Ok if Ebay took down some of my listings how can I make the changes and relist them? They still show active on Auctiva even though they have been removed on Ebay. Will I have access to them? Thanks - I was a bad girl ;(