So, I will be back tomorrow night at seven o’clock for our “date” just like you and Heather tonight. Before you get any ideas of what you might do, listen. Heather has your wallet, your keys, and I am going to drive your car away tonight. You have no land line in the house,...
Myorisan can cause miscarriage, premature birth, severe birth defects, or death of a baby if the mother takes this medicine at the time of conception or during pregnancy.Even one dose ofisotretinoincan cause major birth defects of the baby's ears, eyes, face, skull, heart, and brain.Never...
the red tiles glinting like bent plates of blood behind his head, I see my mother with a few light books at her hip standing at the pillar made of tiny bricks with the wrought-iron gate still open behind her, its sword-tips black in the May air,...
The prickly feeling in your ears should stop as soon as you swallow the food or take it out of your mouth. In most cases, you probably don’t need treatment. Still, speak to your doctor. They may test you to see how severe your allergy is. If you have an extreme food allergy, you...
or "How come you did it?You are still wet behind the ears." The other day,I noticed that my son wore giant pants that three teen-agers could occupy.No one would wear them on the grounds that they were indecent and undignified.I at once commanded him to take them off.Usually,he is...
"After that, he told us to lie down on the table and we closed our eyes gently.The classroom was very silent.I hear you, I hear you!The clear sound of raindrops rang in my ears."Tick, tick.""Did you hear that?How beautiful is the music nature sends us!How crisp it is!"...
Being 1985 and early in the LGBTQ+ genre, Frears focuses mostly on their romance and less on their differences. There is a brief sequence where Omar treats Johnny as a lowly employee but for the most part, they are in love. It takes a long time to showcase Omar and Johnny making My...
Most of the time, your ear does a great job of keeping pressure equal on both sides of your eardrum. That little pop you feel when you swallow is part of the process. But quick changes, such as when you’re on an airplane or in an elevator, can throw off the balance. Your ear mi...
Well, she’s well on her way to repressing less. Upon learning that Bok-gyu waited outside for her, mid-December, she clasps his freezing cold ears and almost cracks a shadow of a smile. Luckily, Bok-gyu is fluent in micro-expression, and knows this for what it is: a confession of...
I trained for it, but the Boston Marathon, just 12 days prior to Mt Charleston, with its record rain and cold temps, was such a mental battle that I didn’t have anything left between my ears to get me to the start line of Mt Charleston–well, almost nothing. I can’t put my ...