Whenever I come back from school, the little dog waits for me on the way home. It always sits cross legged, propped up on the ground with its front feet, staring ahead, waiting for me to come back. Once it finds me, it will run towards me, shaking its head and tail beside me, w...
Midday Monday Riley threw up and was quite lethargic. I game home Monday night to find Riley on his side in a seizure. It appeared he bit his tongue and found blood, bile and urine nearby. I know he wasn't coming out of this seizure. All I could do was watch him die. I was so...
I was looking forward to climbing up into the tree-house my cousins had built high up in a tree in the front yard (from which my brother had once fallen out of and broken his arm) and perhaps a barefoot billy-cart derby down the street. The Dales had a very sophisticated series of ...
Based on my experience with D’s daughter’s Chiweenie, and the fact that my urban setting necessitated a smaller dog, I had decided to see if I could find one of those. I had seen some here and there, though they were snapped up rather quickly, and I hadn’t had a chance to ...
The fasting urge has been creeping up on me over the last week, and it reminded me about this blog. This very neglected blog. Time for blog TLC. It was interesting look back over my last long fast, which is very nearly a year ago now. ...
And that is a good thing. +++ I got a late start on the ride. It was really 3 o’clock…I am horrid at changing my clocks with daylight savings time. I was about 4 miles into my ride when I stopped to get that photo. I would have to hurry a bit to get up the mountain and...