Dog pee on the carpet. Dog pee on the floor. Dog pee everywhere it's not supposed to be. This is probably the most common problem dog owners face when they bring a new dog home. Because a puppy is still young and doesn't know better, it is inevitable that a puppy will pee almost...
My plastic restrictions have become very relaxed when it comes to my dog. It’s just so hard to avoid, and I want her to be a healthy, happy dog. Most of the products that will keep her this way are sold in plastic. This is the same dilemma I’ve faced in trying to buy plastic...
So I endure the pain and silently give all those other moms of boys an invisible high five for knowing what only we go through. By this time, I am certainly awake. My 75-lb dog has usually tried to join in on the fun a few times, much to his dismay, and the lights are ...