Billy Kenda、Sardi Klein、Richard Kostelanetz、Kevin Laverty、Ben Matthews、Jim Moyniham、My Dog Sighs、John Neeson、Yoko Ono、Mary Lou Pavlovic、Kain Picken、Amy Pivak、Thea Rechner、Paul Ross、Andreas Soderberg、Spoonbill、Charles Tashiro、Brie Trenerry、Nico Vassilakis、Dan Waber、Max Yawney、Anne ...
2. The whole story beat of "stay for ramyeon": UTG deserves an acting award for his interpretation of this scene alone. The pause! The intonation! The body language! Enuff said. 3. The belated (but vindicated!) appearance of our Bulldog Gang mascot lol: our homeboys really have a pe...
Since I was in the 'dog house' my GirlFriend at the time wanted to punish me and make me watch Her play with other Men... the only way to do that was to go to a swing party... so off we went. We have been to them before.. but usually we just play with one other couple....
Still, we had great fun with Japhet in ‘Search of a Father’, and with ‘Midshipman Easy’, and we felt a fine physical shiver in the darkling moods of ‘Snarle-yow the Dog-Fiend.’ I do not remember even the names of the other novels, except ‘Jacob Faithful,’ which I chanced ...
Is Emile a dog? Mary was looking at the carpet in the hall. Look at this carpet,she said to Emile I can see your paw marks all over it Yes I trod in some red paint that someone has spilled on the pavement. I think I will have to get you some shoes said Mary but you can take...
The three of us have some awkward exchange of money, when Brad sidles up next to the bar, where I explain that wait actually I would ordinarily be okay with putting down all the cash and being venmo-d or paid back, but I need to pay my dog walker the next day. Dylan heads off to...
It took a while for the twenties to start roaring, but halfway through the decade flappers are everywhere, Art Deco has come into its own, and the Jazz Age is well underway. I’m looking forward to what 1925 will bring. *If you want to get technical, for the first two years it was...
Once inside, we hurried to get our things ready. When asked, Owen had made it clear that he wanted to be with us for the birth but agreed that our friend, Chantel, would hang out with him during labor. For some crazy reason, we thought it necessary to also bring our dog. She’d ...
Wandering though the streets and alleyways the planning was working well, the first major stop was to be The Basilica dei Santi Giovanni e Paulo, where 25 of Venices Doges are buried. But before that, a small sojourn to another famous, and food related destination, Cafe Rosa Salva, in...