however, this desire to please can go too far. If you have a dog that is excessively submissive, they’ll tend to pee constantly – whether that’s out of excitement, fear or just general subservience.
Small dog breeds, especially those from the terrier group, can be exceptionally hard to potty train. Jack Russel terriers and Yorkshire terriers are notoriously hard to house train due to their stubborn nature and the fact that they are easily distracted. If you have trouble potty training you...
I leash her to take her out, since that’s what you’re supposed to do when your dog pees in the wrong place, even if there’s nothing left inside them, and tuck the bedding under my other arm. When we get down to my lobby, Dylan offers, “Here, I’ll toss that in, while yo...
highlighted by tomatoes, green pepper, onion, and celery, and served over rice, a perfect warm-up when the sun was getting lower and the wind was growing cooler. Old dog Jacktown (Billy Jack’
Sophie Kerr has the misfortune to be left with the chore of explaining those fingerprints, which she does in ten pages of near shaggy-dog tale telling by Glenda that serve more to achieve her word count goal than to facilitate a neat happy ending to the book. In sum, The Woman Accused...
And every time they did come home, my heart was shattered into a billion puppy dog pieces. Obviously, I never did get that puppy. We all know this is a phrase parents use on the kids when they are hiding shit from us. Oh, I see Dad. Going to your mates house and drinking beers ...
you know that my greatest aspiration in life is to be a stay-at-home-dog-mom (some of us dream bigger than others, okay?). I always had dogs growing up, so I was always “a dog person” as they say. I never cared for cats – who likes an animal that pees and poops inside?
Just two gals chillin’ on a dog bed (sob. Makes me missFrugal Hound!) When we lived near a Costco, we used the Costco generic diapers, which at the time, were the same price as the Walmart brand diapers. I just checked the Costco website and their size 2 Kirkland diapers are list...