Salem told USA TODAY that a prevailing narrative in the case that Jevcak sold drugs to D’Biagio’s daughter is false. “The victim was the shooter’s daughter’s boyfriend and the father found out that his daughter and her boyfriend smoked weed together at a party,” he told USA TODAY....
We weeded, sprayed, mulched and laid metres and metres of weed mats on the pathways. Then my other Super Hero (Tom) arrived to help lay out pavers and truck loads of pebbles to hopefully keep the dreaded weeds at bay. Already I have hundreds of tiny tomato plants popping up as ...
immediately. Ensure you are aware of what type of marijuana your dog ate (buds, leaves, edibles) so that you can relay that information to your vet. Also, if you know how much marijuana your dog has eaten, that is very helpful information to tell your vet. ...
“That escape artist is Henry. I’m not sure he likes taking walks but obviously he loves to run.” She didn’t want to let the tiny creature go because the longer she had possession of the dog, the longer the guy had to stay with her. He was tall. Taller than her, which was ...
“Yep, all I did was laugh at just one of his jokes and the next thing you know the kid is asking me for money to buy weed.” Hahahahahahahahahaha, oh wait, [INSERT CANNED LAUGHTER] The logistics of my own little version of The Truman Show are quite intricate. I would hate to be...
This has been one of my standby "weed albums" for years, so maybe I'm way off and I've just overanalyzed it while stoned. Who knows. I'd like to hear someone ask Kevin Shields, because I think the drum sound is an issue that people bring up a lot with that record. Mcshane1233...
s set the table so to speak on what brought my journey in golf to this point in time. I have always been a person who loves the outdoors. I grew up here in Eastern NC, which meant I had ample time to hunt, fish, play baseball and all the other things a kid of the ‘60s ...
My little town is going through a little uprising. It has been festering for years, the more that weed becomes an outsourced business, the more the discontent grows. Our town is typical of small Humboldt villages, lots of back to the landers, a little bit of meth, a few old time ranche...
Dee Follett has not seen a flower for half a century. She does not hear the bees. For her, summer is just another season of imagination. Dee is both blind and deaf, but each year she tries something no one else would dream. We found her driving a car. ...
We weeded, sprayed, mulched and laid metres and metres of weed mats on the pathways. Then my other Super Hero (Tom) arrived to help lay out pavers and truck loads of pebbles to hopefully keep the dreaded weeds at bay. Already I have hundreds of tiny tomato plants popping up as ...