Last night, we trimmed one of our dog's nails a little too close to the quick and hit a tiny artery in his nail. It wouldn't stop bleeding, the blood was actua...
This is particularly likely if your dog is excessively subservient, an issue that we discussed a little earlier. If you’re playing with your dog on the bed and they suddenly stop to pee, it may be a case ofexcitement getting the better of them. Your dog may even be trying to say tha...
If a dog who doesn't normally groom her privates starts focusing on them after urinating, she may have a urinary tract infection or UTI. Afemale dog with a UTImay strain to urinate or need to urinate more frequently, and they sometimes lick themselves excessively after urinating. If your do...
You can also consider gettingdog diapersto help reduce the amount of leaking in the house. I still would advise a urinalysis to be sure there is no infection. But if it is an ectopic ureter, dogs can live quite happily with this...they just leak a lot!
If you notice your dog constantly drinking water and then urinating more frequently over the course of more than two days, it is time to take them to the vet. Other reasons why your old pup may be drinking excessively include: Dehydration ...
If, however, your dog keeps throwing up and isn’t stopping, your dog has vomiting and diarrhea, your dog is acting sick in any other way (excessively tired, loss of appetite, weight loss, increased drinking, urinating or any other unexplained behavior), or you have a puppy that is less...
A lot of pet parents ask me about urinating and pooping behaviors, so this topic is worth addressing. Here’s what I’ve experienced, what the experts say, and help figuring out why your dog is urinating on you. Some of the links in this article areaffiliate links.As an Amazon Associate...
If your dog is acting out when you leave the house, and they are exhibiting any of these behaviors, separation anxiety could be the cause: Peeing in the house Pooping in the house Barking excessively Howling for long periods Chewing inappropriate objects Digging or trying to escape Peeing or...
is just as much in the business of selling butter and cheddar biscuits as it is in the selling of disgusting fish. Punishing your customers by making them take fish with their butter and biscuits is like a a risky business plan. Its like giving a kid the dog they’ve always wanted but...
Max is now a 74 lb 1yr old Golden. With that long thick coat I'm worried about him overheating. How can I tell when a dog is overheating beyond just normal panting after a walk or something? What should I do if he is? Should I try feeding ice cubes? Cold bath? Lots of water...