Horner's syndrome takes place when the group of nerves leading to the eyes are damaged. In this syndrome, the dog develops sunken eyes along with an elevated third eyelid, a droopy eyelid, and often one pupil smaller than the other one. The causes are various. Here are some conditions com...
This might sound a bit woo woo but if you keep the lights dimmed with sleep music and gently rub in circles, almost like a mini massage the top of his back legs and his shoulder area, my dog loves this and her eyes go droopy. Although she doesn't need any encouragement to sleep she...
With bags packed, and eyes droopy, we loaded onto the bus and set out for our last day. A few nights earlier I’d set a precedent for asking the bus to pull over after a dinner with a particularly large amount of Rakia and water. In all honesty I hadn’t wanted to use the ...
Bright Eyes Whopper Beamer Barkerville Reflex Violet Vanderfeller Louie ScroungerOther Ideas for Cartoon Dog NamesWhat do you think of the cartoon dog names above? If you’d like even more great ideas, here’s a thought: Why not look at the names of other popular cartoon characters who are ...
Pets in late-stagediabetesmay also have a unique odor to their breath. If your dog is either not producing enough insulin or not using insulin properly, her body will be unable to use the food she eats for nutrients. Without adequate nutrition, despite how much she eats, her body will be...
In the vast kingdom of animals, there exists a creature that has captured my heart and imagination since my earliest childhood days. This wonderful being, with its elegant grace, intelligent demeanor, and unparalleled loyalty, is none other than the dog—specifically, the Golden Retriever. The ...
As far as their body structure goes, the Basset Hound has short legs relative to their height and a very squat build. The Beagle has a slimmer, more proportionedbody. The Basset Hound boasts long, hanging ears and droopy eyes that give them a sad but sweet look. In comparison, the Beagl...
She is such a calm dog and took it all in her stride but when I collected her from the vet she waddled out looking very unimpressed with her eyes all droopy and her back legs hardly working from the drugs. Thank goodness she wasn’t any heavier as I had to heave her into the car...
Dogs' ears, especially long droopy ones like those on Basset Hounds, can gather moisture, and in turn begin smelling yeasty. Sometimes, you’ll just need to clean their ears out with a dog ear cleaner. Other times, more intervention is required. If the smell from your dog's ears is ove...
Other signs of sickness include a poor physical appearance, changes in feeding or drinking habits, increased or decreased urination and defecation, difficulty breathing, droopy eyes, eye or nose discharge, and foul odors. Reach out to your vet immediately if your cat is displaying any of these ...