She is such a calm dog and took it all in her stride but when I collected her from the vet she waddled out looking very unimpressed with her eyes all droopy and her back legs hardly working from the drugs. Thank goodness she wasn’t any heavier as I had to heave her into the car...
She is such a calm dog and took it all in her stride but when I collected her from the vet she waddled out looking very unimpressed with her eyes all droopy and her back legs hardly working from the drugs. Thank goodness she wasn’t any heavier as I had to heave her into the car...
If your dog is unfortunate to startle a skunk, you will end up with astinky dog. The skunk’s smell can linger foras long as a yearif you don’t get it all out. A dog’s face is usually where skunk spray lands. When this happens, rinse your dog’s eyes with cool water, and ...
Another irritant is the demeaning nickname that Dick calls Jo, ‘funny face.’ Hardly a dog, Hepburn is quite beautiful, although the film makes the audience assume she is wrong for the modeling world. She fits right in, looking perfect in every dress or costume she dons or photograph she ...
After the drive, I stopped at the jetty here and had a hot dog from this ‘Harry’s Cafe de Wheel’-like place called Gossips. It was yummy… Frankfurt wrapped in bacon, pineapple, onion, mustard and crusty bread roll. Might have another one for dinner after writing this blog It star...
Or pasta. Or really crusty French bread with well-salted butter. Or a perfectly made BLT…I love a sandwich. Even freakin’ God said we’re supposed to eat “daily bread.” (Ok, that might be a stretch.) For Lent this year, I gave up sweets. I realize that “sweets” is a ...
My 8 year old male cats nipple was hard and crusty. I pulled it and it came out and... (85988 views) Small open wound on dog Our min pin lives out in country with us. We have enclosed 1/2 acre fenced area. She... (17245 views) Positive leishmaniasis test. my dog has just ha...
As we were focused on orchestrating our own private “lobster-fest”, we stood in line at the famousClam Shackfor a hearty, crisp and meatylobster rollserved between the puffy cheeks of a butter-toasted burger bun (versus the standard northern slit along a hotdog roll). Antoni Porovski fro...
The garden is starting to get some attention, the dog is getting walked, and early morning golf will hopefully start again in the weeks ahead. And you know, fresh, warm, crusty whole grain bread (every now and then) doesn’t taste too bad either. Posted in Health, Humor, Life | Tagge...
“Consuelo actually has a dog’s body,” explained the Third Secretary, who had been there all along, sitting on a window seat, puffing on a black cigarette, and glancing out into the Embassy courtyard. “You see, she becomes a lady only in the daytime. It works better that way. Oh ...