Your dog may start licking their lips and swallowing if they are becoming dehydrated. This is more common in hot weather or after intense exercise. If your dog has underlying diseases such as kidney or liver disorders, they are more prone to dehydration. Your dog may also become lethargic and...
A wholesome webcomic series about two nerds in love. Follow Fishball and her giant nerd boyfriend!
anxiety and stress, especially when you don’t understand why it is happening. Thankfully, there are almost always things you can do to keep your pet calm and overcome their fears. If these concerns have come on suddenly, you have a good chance of helping your dog to make a complete ...
Achest infectionoccurs when there is a buildup of pus and fluid (mucus) and when the airways become swollen, making it hard for the person to breathe. This can affect people of all ages – young and elderly as well as the ill stricken and smokers. (Source: “Chest Infections” from Be...
The early scenes at Castle Dracula are the best parts of this one, and after that the pacing and general storytelling drift into a lethargic nap that no matter how many times I try to watch this one, pretty much put me to sleep. COUNT DRACULA is notable for Lee’s performance as a ...
I slip in and out of all three states of mind. I’ve had both cats and dogs, loved them all, miss them all. Yet early in the morning when our dog dances to go outside, I’m of the third state of mind. So to waste your Saturday Morning reading time, here are 10 funny CAT fa...
So now my phone camera roll is full on dog photos rather than children’s! They bring us all a lot of joy. Next for me is trying to get through the next few months without contracting Covid. We have high case numbers here in Melbourne and I had an antibody test which showed I have...
Our situation might be grim, but we’re out there like millions of others with or without disabilities, obvious or not – doing the shopping, working, in the pub drinking beer and laughing with friends, on the tube, walking the dog, swimming, or just sitting on a bench resting. ...
My mother is in a phase of her life where she needs a little help but she is still a caretaker. Perhaps sometimes the only thing she feels she can do to help those she loves when they are hurting is to pray. And while I don’t have the same relationship to prayer that she does,...
If you move to stand in front of me I will lethargically bump into you, bounce off weakly, and then keep bumping into you again until you move out-of-the-way. Rosie is now nearly fully grown (the picture above was taken 3 months ago), and she wasn’t getting enough walk time, ...