The panel fall over themselves in a smorgasbord of judgement and conjecture which makes ‘the dog ate my homework’ seem a reasonable excuse. The extent of this bias is beautifully captured in the following extract. The expert witness clearly states a risk assessment should have been done and p...
We only have four girls left now, having lost three in recent months – one was killed by the dog from a neighbouring property while we were overseas (my beautiful Peaches who would have been trying to protect the others and paid the ultimate price) one was taken by a hawk while we ...
especially on days like today when the dog woke you up at 2am in the throes of diarrhea. Oh wait, except as a parent of a young child a true vacation – one where you can kick back with your oversized cocktail of choice and not have to worry about the proximity of your kid to the...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
Every man and his dog has either been or is planning a trip to visit in the near future. Its uniqueness is its greatest charm. The mix of old and new, conservative and crazy, ancient culture and modern anime, old fashioned yet cutting edge. Our trip was split between Kyoto and Tokyo,...
We got back to Reykjavik around 10pm and headed into town for a quick hot dog and a walkabout. Most importantly, we met this cat in the street. And then we went back to our hotel and passed out. A lot of driving but beautiful views and a great ending. One more day! Iceland,...
I lasted about a year and a half, but they tell me your measure your tenure in this space as one measures dog years, so it wasn’t that short of a stint. The landing was a little rough, but I dusted myself off, and while it was tumbling and bumpy, I seem to be doing OK ...
snookrectifier snoop once snoopy come home snoopy dog snorkel head valve snorri sturlason snorts snow beauty snow board westbank snow crystal powder snow dan snow edgar snow falling on cedar snow farm snow hotel snow in june snow in march snow leopard uncia un snow leopard commando snow lotus...
I take an hour to assess what stays and what goes. I only keep examples of their work. I don’t know a single evaluator that wants to see every scrap of paper the child worked on that year. They like to see evidence that progress has taken place. I weed things out and record anyth...
my dear young people my dearest brother my deskmate my destny my dog willy my egyptian couch my electric guitar my english classroom my enthusiasm increas my eyebrows shot up my eyes are green d my eyes become enlarg my eyes were clear an my face paled my facial expression my fair gentle...