I don’t know about anybody else, but my directive to physicians, DNR, and the like are not available on some URL online. They are available as PDFs in my computer. This app won’t allow me to upload those PDFs. It accepts only URLs. ...
"https://y.qq.com/portal/search.html#page=1&searchid=1&remoteplace=txt.yqq.top&t=song&w=%s" }, { "name": "百度音乐", "url": "https://music.91q.com/search?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&key=%s" }, { "name": "酷我音乐", "url"...
dnr6419/CVE-2022-23046 CVE-2022-23121 kuznyJan1972/CVE-2022-23121-RCE CVE-2022-23131 (2022-01-13) In the case of instances where the SAML SSO authentication is enabled (non-default), session data can be modified by a malicious actor, because a user login stored in the session was no...
dnr6419/CVE-2022-23046 CVE-2022-23121 kuznyJan1972/CVE-2022-23121-RCE CVE-2022-23131 (2022-01-13) In the case of instances where the SAML SSO authentication is enabled (non-default), session data can be modified by a malicious actor, because a user login stored in the session was no...