The Electoral College votes are equal to the number of representatives and senators each state has. For example, Minnesota has eight congressional seats and two senators. Therefore, it has 10 electoral votes. The Electoral College members are supposed to support the popular election results of each...
In the years since the Clinton administration (with the support of my Congressional opponent, Nancy Pelosi) foisted NAFTA on our continent, both Mexico and the US have lost farmland and good paying jobs. Many of our manufacturing jobs have gone overseas to Indonesia or China and the Wal Mart...
In testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Holder condemned the controversial Operation Fast and Furious, which has been under intense congressional scrutiny for its use of “gun walking.”// Holder said the effects of Fast and Furious will be felt for years to come as the thousands of...
She was part of a contingent of DREAMers who met with Nebraska Congressional leaders in the nation’s capitol in January. A coalition of Nebraska supporters signed a public letter to Nebraska members of Congress urging them to endorse DACA’s continuation on the grounds it allows aspirational youn...
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers… . The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every ...
[1]Jefferson H. Van Drew is a U.S. republican politician and dentist serving as the U.S. representative for New Jersey’s 2ndcongressional district . [2]McKenna, Maryn.In The Fight Against Infectious Disease, Social Changes Are the New Medicine,Scientific American,https://www.scientificamerica...
Knowing full well the impact such a statement has with her constituents Green evoked images of civil war from the safety of Georgia’s 14th Congressional district, 77% white and as Republican as any in America and firmly embedded in the South. Her fellow caucus members didn’t seem to mind...
1.Claude McKay’s Harlem Shadows, “If We Must Die,” and Congressional Confusion In last year’s most popular new post, I wrote about McKay’s poem “If We Must Die” and the confusion over whether it was entered into the Congressional Record, and if so, by whom. ...
No matter who emerged from these primaries, the district is a guarantee to remain Republican in November. Congressional District 3 DEM and GOP Primary Covering Gainesville and the rural counties of Northeast Florida, Congressional District 3 is a steady GOP district.Incumbent Kat Cammack, who won ...
Clinton did win the national popular vote. But her support was not geographically distributed in a favorable way for the Democrats. It resulted in the party underperforming in congressional races and state legislative elections. Districts were too easily gerrymandered to the Republican Party’s advanta...