but it then asks for a password, which I don't have. Have tried to find it on Bluetooth as well, no luck there. Both tutorial videos and setup guide are useless, as they just say you should connect your device to your printer using wifi, but don't really show ...
2. 按一下或輕觸Devices and Printers。 3. 按一下或輕觸Add a printer。 Add a device 視窗隨即出現。 4. 依螢幕指示操作。 註: 如果已安裝印表機,應該會顯示在右側清單中。如果您的印表機不在清單中,請按一下或輕觸裝置清單頂端的 Add a device。請從清單中選取您的印表機進行安裝。如需安裝印表機的詳細...
✅ I have installed my printer but it's not on the list of devices and printers. How do I...:I have installed my printer but it's not on the list of devices and printers. How do I connect the printer to my computer just like what the statement...
Use a computer to connect the printer to the wireless router/access point: Go to "Connect the printer and the wireless router/access point using your computer". Connect your mobile device to the wireless router/access point: (If your device is already connected to a Wi-Fi network, go to ...
My Epson 2860 is my default printer, but recently it does not print: My Epson 2860 is my default printer, but recently it does not print - jobs get stuck in the que the printer will make a copy. I spoke with Epson tech support and we were unable to remove the device message says ...
Go to the printer manufacturer's website and try to update the printer driver. If you are on a network, contact an administrator. Tip:Want to learn how to connect a printer to your device? See help forWindows 10 Troubleshoot printer problems in Windows 10...
Go to the printer manufacturer's website and try to update the printer driver. If you are on a network, contact an administrator. Tip:Want to learn how to connect a printer to your device? See help forWindows 10 Troubleshoot printer problems in Windows 10 ...
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Try printing from another device You may also want to try printing from a different device, such as a laptop or mobile phone. While you may assume that offline issues are due to printer errors, a flawed connection can be device-specific. Try connecting to another computer and see if your ...