Focus on the desired outcome for the user rather than just downloads, purchases, or engagement. Disruptive marketing helps you stand out. Use strategies that challenge the status quo and stand out from the competition in unexpected ways. For instance — with guerrilla marketing, bizarre campaigns,...
if desired, worshipped or exorcised. Perhaps they grinned as they accentuated body parts. Perhaps clay or wood or ivory versions of ancestors aided the remembering of loved ones, whose faces had soon faded. Perhaps they breathed “life” into these lumps of clay, or wood, or twisted grasses...
Let's list some typical use cases. I frequently employ these examples to test Ailice during development, ensuring stable performance. However, even with these tests, the execution results are influenced by the chosen model, code version, and even the testing time. (GPT-4 may experience a decre...
Pivot Tables are in their element with huge amounts of data and allow you to create reports from this data in seconds. Below is a list of our best tutorials on Pivot Tables. First of all you need to make sure your data is in aTabular Format, otherwise you can't use PivotTables. ...
visualize what I'm trying to do, where I'm trying to go, how the pieces fit. And when you do that, then you have a clear map to where to go, you know, and when you have a clear map to where to go, the economy of effort is much more focused toward a desired outcome. ...
and flavours that penetrate Sudanese cooking areas are not a coincidence– they are the outcome of years, also centuries of exchange and influence from West Africa, the Mediterranean, and South Asia. The eАзиатскаякожаlegance of this culinary promiscuity depends on the deliciously...
I fear that CBV-only advocates have forced a single meaning into this word to reach a desired conclusion. CBVers rally around the language of the New Testament that “body” is usually singular, implying one collective “body of Christ.” But in language, it is not unusual to use body (...
Focus on the desired outcome for the user rather than just downloads, purchases, or engagement. Disruptive marketing helps you stand out. Use strategies that challenge the status quo and stand out from the competition in unexpected ways. For instance — with guerrilla marketing, bizarre campaigns,...
Ready for a change? Use your FREE 20 min video/call to brief me in, and I'll be happy to see how I can be of help. Looking forward to talking with you.
Well if you are seeing these metrics, you will need to 1) confirm that the pace is truly becoming unsustainable and 2) remove the pressure in a manner suitable to getting the desired results. For both of these, sitting down one-on-one and having some conversations as well as conducting ...