SEKKISEI CLEAR WELLNESS is pleased to announce a collaboration with anime television series Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba in seven global destinations. The collaboration will comprise five limited edition product packaging designs, each featuring a character and a unique floral motif. These designs are...
1. In pop culture, Cabot Cove has a reputation for an unholy amount of murders for one tiny little town—obviously an inspiration for bothBrindlewood BayandThe Village Library Demon-Hunting Societyby C.M. Waggoner, my first book of 2025. But thus far, Jessica Fletcher has actually spent fa...
My Little Pony Friendship is Magic hosts an array of creatures that have a counterpart in both mythology and fantasy, some of which are far more removed from their realistic counterpart than usual animals. A few creatures, like dragons and Diamond Dogs,
Watch My Hero Academia on:Apple TV,Google Play Movies,Amazon Video,Netflix,Hulu,Microsoft Store,Crunchyroll,Netflix basic with Ads,Crunchyroll Amazon Channel, User Ratings:1115 ratings have been given [details] Running time:half hour per episode Number of episodes:13 Episode titles:We have 39 Vi...
影劇話題 Disney+《揭密最前線》劇情裡的10種社會現實:把弱者當工具使用是這個世界運行的道理 人生必看【13部醫療韓劇】推薦:《浪漫醫生金師傅》、《機智醫生生活》經典不敗 《揭密最前線》殺人魔角色有原型!隱藏在劇情裡的5大真實案件解密 《這份愛可以翻譯嗎》5大劇情亮點!高允貞本色演出和金宣虎共譜酸楚戀情?
2023 韓國 SBS 年末浪漫喜劇《與惡魔有約》,《你喜歡布拉姆斯嗎?》導演金將漢、《哲仁王后》編劇崔雅溢共同打造,改編自高人氣同名網路漫畫,由《無法抗拒的他》宋江、《紅天機》金裕貞擔當主演,講述以與人類簽訂契約以求續命的惡魔,遇上漂亮卻蠻橫的公司代表,個性完全不對盤的兩人,竟在一場意外中,使惡魔的能力憑空...
Netflix《苦盡柑來遇見你》劇情在講什麼?IU、朴寶劍以四季更迭演繹的人生缺憾與完美 2025古裝陸劇推薦!白鹿《白月梵星》、王星越《五福臨門》、肖戰《藏海傳》等爆款好戲不間斷 2025愛情+職場時裝陸劇推薦!白敬亭《難哄》、趙露思《許我耀眼》、張凌赫《櫻桃琥珀》甜蜜上線 ...