At the end of the day, something as simple as “I'm so sorry for your loss”or “I'm so sad for you and your family, please accept my deepest condolences” is always appropriate. But you might want to offer something a little deeper than that, especially if you are close to the ...
Nations family. 在这 一举国悲伤和痛苦的时刻,我谨代表海地政 府 向他们的朋友和家人以及联合国大家庭表示 我们 由衷的哀 悼。 We express sincere sympathy and condolences to the relatives of the citizens of the Russian Federation and other countries who we...
States, andonmyownaccount, I should liketoconveyheartfeltcondolencestothe bereaved family of the late [...] 我谨代表所有会员国,并以我个人的名义,向已故德马尔科教授的遗属,并向马耳他人民与政府,表 示由衷的慰问。
You are more likely to encounter “with deepest condolences” (the plural form) because it is the more common phrase and offers sympathy in a generalized way. However, to say“deepest condolence” is grammatically correctas well. ... My deepest condolences are with his family after their loss...
I sat speechless, emotions ping-ponging. It’s true I’d been complaining to her about my dad. I was fifteen, too old for the spanking I’d recently received. I was hoping for sympathy, waiting to hear I was justified in my outrage. But rat out my own dad to the government? Expos...
True it won’t fix the problem. But that’s NOT THE POINT of this statement. It’s to express sympathy. It’s to say I know you are hurting. It even says, “I hurt for you”. This is why saying “our thoughts and prayers are with the families” is the ONLY public response that...
I beg you — should anyone read these ramblings, please do not post a comment of sympathy or mention you don’t know how I do it. Most of all, please don’t tell me to “stay strong”. What choice do I have but to remain strong because my kids are watching… They may not read...
by expressingmycountry’sheartfelt condolencesandsympathy to the families and friends of [...] 夏斯内先生(白俄罗斯)(以俄语发言):首先,我 谨代表我国向上周五挪威发生的恐怖袭击的受害者 家属和朋友表示诚挚的慰问和同情。