my dude could not have received a warmer or more positive welcome into the world of firearms. huge thanks to my dad and the entire staff atgun for hire in woodland park, njfor making this trip to the range one we will never forget!
16 weather Windows native weather app powered by DirectX12 animations rocksdanister 567 17 Lidarr Looks and smells like Sonarr but made for music. Lidarr 3972 18 murder Murder is a pixel art ECS game engine. isadorasophia 2672 19 Shokofin Repository for Shokofin, a plugin that brings Shoko ...
Maybe I’ll get around to sharing a post about the kitchen project eventually. I took “end of year” school pictures of the kids. It was a good year, but didn’t feel like our best. Does one always feel this way when wrapping up a homeschool year, a bit drained and overwhelmed ...
these were knowing pastiches designed to lighten the public mood whilst paying the gas bills of those connected by riding the coattails of a successful song. The real crimes are committed by those who posture as releasing “art” or who are doing whatever they can ...
A wonderful and tender moment between Samantha and her father, Jim, played brilliantly by Paul Dooley nearly moved me to tears. His wisdom and kindness as Samantha emotionally reveals her love for Jake to her dad is warm and solid epitomizing what a dad should be to his daughter. ...
106 You-Dont-Need-GUI Stop relying on GUI; CLI ROCKS you-dont-need 5617 107 flipperzero-3d-models Flipper Zero 3D models flipperdevices 554 108 awesome-alfred-workflows A curated list of awesome alfred workflows alfred-workflows 3119 109 human-interface-guidelines-extras Community additions to App...
Since my dad always said "Think about the future", I did not think he would support the study of art once I went to college. But, to my surprise, it was my parents who suggested just that and urged me to apply to technical and liberal arts schools. I was admitted into industrial ...
Squirmydad has spent the past few months re-releasing all the old sets. Now the back catalog is back up he has released the first new set the Chimera Hybrid Cannoneer. Many of us have been waiting a longtime for this model ever since Onemonk showed some concept art 2-3 years ago… ...
” Yeah, my husband rocks. He’s always had this Following Your Bliss thing down–don’t worry be happy, listen to your heart, follow it. Always. That’s one of the reasons I fell in love with him. Not a fearful bone in his body. And when you’re around someone like that for ...
"Making this album felt like home, and I haven't been home since Christmas of 2019," Underwood says. "I haven't seen my dad in so long, so it was nice in the middle of the unsureness and chaos of 2020, first to get to make the Christmas album and then to follo...