[FIX]java to select provider will use current module and dependency [IMPROVE]better performance for typeAlias support [FIX]mybatis datasource use java8 localDate ect not function [NEW]database could generate batchInsert,batchUpdate ect [IMPROVE]add file header when database generate curd like @...
[FIX]java to select provider will use current module and dependency [IMPROVE]better performance for typeAlias support [FIX]mybatis datasource use java8 localDate ect not function [NEW]database could generate batchInsert,batchUpdate ect [IMPROVE]add file header when database generate curd like @...
在数据库中建立一张表,存放 sequence 名称(name),sequence 当前值(current_value),步长(increment)每次读取多少个 sequence,假设为 K)等信息;server.xml: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 <system><property name="sequnceHandlerType">1property>system> 建表语句: 代码语言:javascript...
getCurrentNamespace(); if (namespace != null) { Class boundType = null; try { boundType = Resources.classForName(namespace); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { //ignore, bound type is not required } if (boundType != null) { if (!configuration.hasMapper(boundType)) { // Spring...
00:19:08.915 [main] DEBUG c.github.pagehelper.PageInterceptor - java.lang.Exception: 设置分页参数时的堆栈信息 at com.github.pagehelper.util.StackTraceUtil.current(StackTraceUtil.java:12) at com.github.pagehelper.Page.<init>(Page.java:111) at com.github.pagehelper.Page.<init>(Page.java:126) ...
investmentcreditratin investmentproperty investor relations ca investors dont partic investors group investors guide to gh invigorate fire invincible iron fist invisible dog toy invisible importation invitation for bidif invitation from my hu invitation letter for invitation to my drea invitation to psychol ...
<property name="username" value="${username}" /> <property name="password" value="${password}" /> </dataSource> </environment> </environments> <!-- mappers引入映射配置文件 --> <mappers> <!-- mapper 引入指定的映射配置文件 resource属性指定映射配置文件的名称 --> ...
thermalactivation thermalcurrent thermalcut-off thermalgaslensmeasure thermalgravimetricana thermalimpact thermalinsulationsyst thermalregime thermalreversibility thermalsingularity thermalstrain thermalventvalve thermalwalking thermidorean reaction thermionicintegratedm thermistor bead thermit repair weldin thermo barograph...
For a complete description of the most current Eligible Transactions, as well as details on earning and redeeming Points go to experience.gm.com/rewards. Members who apply and are approved for the My GM Rewards Mastercard® Program (“Card Program”), issued by Goldman Sachs Bank USA are ...
There are undeniable psychological aspects of selling your home in retirement that should very much be considered during the process. For some, the financial implications may decide for them. It may simply be too expensive to live in their current home during retirement, or the uncertainty ofemerg...