My Cloud My Cloud Home 畅享存储乐趣,在一个位置集中整理您的所有内容,您可以完全控制所有内容,并可随时随地访问。 登录My Cloud Home设置 My Cloud Home 登录您的My Cloud、My Cloud Mirror或My Cloud NAS设备。
9.4.1-101 此前版本的 My Cloud Home 设备存在“关键”漏洞,敦促用户尽快升级到新版本。
应用 新增功能 帮助 简体中文 存放所有照片和视频的地方。 创建账户登录
在设备更新之前,用户无法通过mycloud.com和 My Cloud OS 5 移动应用程序访问其设备上的数据,不过可以继续通过 Local Access 访问其数据。 My Cloud 是一项将网络连接存储 (NAS) 设备连接到西部数据的云服务,允许用户从 Web 存储、访问、备份和共享媒体。 西部数据表示 5.26.202 此前版本的 My Cloud 设备、9.4....
Starting March 22, 2023 My Cloud Home cloud access will not be available to any device that is not at or above firmware level 8.13.1-102. To update to the latest firmware, please power cycle the device by shutting it do… 24177March 21, 2023 ...
Trying to get access to the My Cloud account and forgotten my password as I set it up some time ago. Went to WD support page and reset password but it is not sending a verification email to my account so I can change the…
You can now use the HUAWEI ID to log in to Huawei Cloud. Logging In Using a Huawei Cloud Account If you have a Huawei Cloud account, you can use it to log in to Huawei Cloud. An account is created after you sign up for Huawei Cloud. Your account has full access permissions for you...
西数MyCloud专用共享访问被拒绝的另一个原因可能是您当前使用的是专用网络。您可以尝试为此云存储添加Windows凭据。 步骤1.转到“控制面板 > 用户账户 > 凭据管理器 > Windows凭据”,然后单击右下方的“添加Windows凭据”。 步骤2.在以下窗口中输入My Cloud的用户名和密码,然后单击“确定”。稍后,重新启动计算机,看看...
2. Is My Cloud Home discontinued? Starting June 2023, WD Discovery for the My Cloud Home Desktop App will no longer be supported. However, users can still enable local network access. Conclusion Hope the above guides can help you map My Cloud Home as network drive on Windows 10/11 success...
After the account is deleted, it can no longer be used to access Huawei Cloud, and the account data will be cleared permanently. Exercise caution when performing this operation. Closing an Account Go to the Basic Information page. Expand the Delete Account area in the lower part of the page...