The child’s behaviour was coded from 1 min before the specific age-related procedure to 1-minute post the procedure (e.g. vision test for 4-year-olds and vaccine injection for 5-year-olds). The vision test was not expected to be painful and the behaviours coded thus reflected discomfort...
my business occupies my cafes my careless dad my charisma my child that my children suffer pa my city screams my close friends my codec pack my colorful life my comfort my company exclusive my company in shenzhe my compass fell apart my country man my course my current mix cd my dad gave...
vaccine for all of their problems that are changing fast everyday. Water scarcity, money scarcity, food scarcity, tougher education, rough weather, militants, diseases, sexual issues and so on. What is the antidote? What is the solution? You will think, God. Nay! If I was to solve, the...
Don't Give Your Kid That Shot: The Public Health Threat Posed by anti-Vaccine Speech and Why Such Speech Is Not Guaranteed Full Protection under the First Amendment the concept of patient-physician interaction, "either through an online forum or a commercialwebsite offering medical advice." ...
Vismita Gupta-Smith:Patrick, what can parents do to protect their children from measles? Dr. Patrick O’Connor:The best protection against measles is being vaccinated. The measles vaccine is safe and effective, and since its introduction, billions of dose...
Vismita Gupta-Smith:We are talking about monkeypox today. Is this a new disease? What is the treatment? Does the vaccine work? Who is at risk and why is WHO concerned about it? Hello and welcome to Science in 5. I’m Vismita Gupta-Smith Our expert today is...