But this year there was a big surprise. Each child received one of the normal jobs, like preparing the books for the lessons, telling the time, cleaning the blackboard, or looking after one of the pets. However, Rita’s job was very...
For example, if a child misbehaves, the teacher must not argue with the child. It is best to simply remove him or her from classmates and have the child sit in a “time out” chair or read a book in the corner. A misbehaving child is often a frustrated child, so be sure to give...
Not only will your child meet and interact with other ADD/ADHD children, but the camp's activity and structure are specifically tailored to meet the needs of these children. These camps include small class sizes, trained counselors, hands-on activities, and structured events. Join a Sports Te...
such as “What does the term ‘dinosaur’ actually mean?” The participants then lay in an fMRI brain scanner (扫描仪) while the same questions were presented, followed shortly after by the
If you don’t have the opportunity to validate your child’s feelings in the moment, do it later. Again, the key is an honest acknowledgement of the situation. “I know Aunt Lou said you were “fake crying” and that you shouldn’t be afraid of the dog. That wasn’t right. Not ev...
“Why does grandpa have ear hair?” Just a few years ago my child was so curious to know “why” and “how” that we had to cut off her questions five minutes before bedtime. Now a soon-to-be fourth grader, she says that she dislikes school because “it’s not fun to learn.” ...
What my daily work was like: Together with the others working for or alongside MSF, I helped those who were infected with the terrible disease Ebola. Read for organization. My 100 days We worked together, surrounded by blood, vomit and death. An unforgettable case: Two young bro...
It’s a new comb. I punch a few drops of soap and brush the comb. It hits me then: why, as a child, helping my dad clean his comb was such a joy. That tradition meant that my dad was home early to spend the evening with Mum and I. It meant he would play games with me. ...
You need to figure out what the above script does, and install them according (apt-get etc). Please note a vim with lua support is required. 2. Install oh-my-vim: Run: tools/install.sh curl -L https://raw.github.com/liangxianzhe/oh-my-vim/master/tools/install.sh | sh It will...
// destination loc, interact with the google maps controller to // show/hide markers programmatically etc.final mapsWidgetController = GlobalKey<GoogleMapsWidgetState>(); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return MaterialApp( home: SafeArea( child: Scaffold( body: ...