"Help spread the Catholic faith for just $1! Keep quality Catholic content online!" (click button below to donate) Or use QR code... ?'s About Donating | Our Pledge To Donors To Donate By Check Via Postal Mail, Click Here From Our Pledge To Donors... * Your donation will NOT...
"Elena, You completely 'foul up' the catechism. I repeat you are a nice lady, but your lack of education and knowledge, as your distorted answers show," Jack from Liberal Catholic Sports Music 1/9/2009 "you repeatedly impress me. I know we have very different political views that show ...
For the Catholic, the concept of salvation by grace through faith alone is nearly impossible to receive because rooted in the heart of man (and virtually all religions) is the idea that we must earn our way to Heaven. Now that Catholics are beginning to read their Bibles, they will sometim...
The AUDIO button brings you to very many audiobooks, Catechism Classes, and much more. The OTHER button provides humor and serious food for thought. You will also find information about health and other helpful topics. The WHAT button brings you to many jokes and humorous emails I have receiv...
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, In case of necessity, anyone, even a non-baptized person, with the required intention, can baptize, by using the tr...
Edit: Peter, you might find the following helpful. It is the Catholic Catechism simplified on Divine Providence/how The Good Lord goes about caring for His creation. You might find food for thought in striving to understand God, although to me trying to understand Ultimate Mystery is impossible...
(RCA), the Christian Reformed Church (CRC), and to a much lesser degree the Protestant Reformed. All of these denominations stem from the RCA. Other than my father’s older sister, who married a Catholic and raised her children in the Catholic faith, I had never met any other person of...
"Elena, You completely 'foul up' the catechism. I repeat you are a nice lady, but your lack of education and knowledge, as your distorted answers show," Jack from Liberal Catholic Sports Music 1/9/2009 "you repeatedly impress me. I know we have very different political views that show ...
really strengthen my Catholic faith… My question regarding: can parents (which is my wife and me) change our daughter (now almost 2 years old)’s Godmother? The response of this question actually can be found around internet, for example by Deacon Greg Kandra and by Father Christopher House...
of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the ethical policy statements of the Catholic Medical Association. We are a refuge for faithful Catholic clinicians who want to practice independently and with the full voice of their Catholic faith. ...