If you are in an area that sees heartworm your vet can do a very simple blood test to determine if this is the problem. There are other things that can cause a cat to have these symptoms, but they are not very common. I think a visit to the doctor is a great idea! Hope all ...
If there is bloody urine and lethargy, vomiting, depression, ordecreased appetite, they should be seen right away. If your dog had any exposure to toxins or any trauma, take them to an emergency center as soon as possible. How Veterinarians Diagnose Blood in Dog Urine ...
Solution: Your vet will test the concentration of glucose in your cat’s blood and urine. Diabetes can be treated using a range of therapies, including insulin injections and dietary management. Diabetic cats can usually go on to live long, healthy lives as long as their diabetes is managed ...
no matter the amount of non-prescribed vitamin d your cat ingested, contact your vet or an emergency vet clinic immediately.with smaller amounts ingested, this might mean monitoring your cat at home. with more substantial ingestions, hospitalization is usually required. never induce vomiting in ...
She also recommends calling your veterinarian if your cat is still panting for over five minutes after getting out of the car. Panting and drooling can also indicate heat stroke. The symptoms of heat stroke include: Vomiting Diarrhea Blood in vomit or stool Drooling Dark red, dry, and ...
Too much water is dangerous. Even when sick cats get life-saving fluids through an IV, overhydration is always a risk. However, remember that some health conditions may mean that your cat needs more water than usual. For instance, cats vomiting or having severe diarrhea are rapidly losing mo...
My Cat Is Panting Like a Dog. Panting is a behavior we most often associate with canines, not felines. Although dogs of all sizes will pant, it is often most noticeable in big dogs whic...
It’s not always easy to know exactly why your cat is showing signs such as vomiting, being quiet, or ignoring their food, but your veterinarian is capable of making this assessment. If you know your cat has swallowed a rubber band and is unwell, call the vet urgently and mention what ...
My cat's stomach has been making noises today including gurgling and rumbling. This is very unusual for her--we have never noticed this happening before. She...
Because of her age, we did do a blood panel. Monday we picked her up and she did have some pacing and whining as she probably still had some lingering affects of the anesthesia. She ate dinner (1/2 can of wet food, Costco Kirkland grain free). By night time she was pretty much...