I had this week a regular eye exam. I've asked the OD if they could tell me my dilated eye pupil. The assistant got a kind of flash light, move it around and came with "3-4". The OD said, the dilated one is 4mm... WHAT THE...?? I'm just 40 y/o and have only 4 mm?
Drug Abuse and Dilated Pupils Dilated pupils are one sign that someone has used illegal drugs, such as: Amphetamines Cocaine Ecstasy LSD These drugs affect the muscle that widens the pupil, slowing how it reacts to light. So, even in a bright room, the eyes stay dilated. Withdrawal from ...
I disagree with Don's analysis, for several reasons. Part of this difference in our perspectives seems to be that he has a narrow dilated pupil, while mine is still decently sized (although shrinking from what I can tell.) And lest Don or someone else think I am taking a swipe at him...
Why do you need your eyes dilated? Pupil dilationis an important part of your regular eye exam because it allows your doctor to get a better look inside your eyes. After dilating drops cause your pupils to grow in size (dilate), your doctor can more clearly see various parts of your eye...
Dogs rubbing their eyes on the carpet or getting a cat scratch can cause an ulcer. Veterinarians use the fluorescein stain to see the layers of the epithelium to see if there is an abrasion or ulcer in the dog's eye and how deep it has formed. Corneal ulcers in dogs are a severe co...
The animals stare anxiously in the air, and instead of attacking the mouse, the cat leaves it alone or will even stand in fear before the mouse. One could also conclude that the behavior of dogs that are under the influence of LSD involves hallucinations. A caged community of chimpanzees ...