eidam/cf-workers-status-page - Monitor your websites, showcase status including daily history, and get Slack/Telegram/Discord notification whenever your website status changes. Using Cloudflare Workers, CRON Triggers, and KV storag digitalocean/nginxconfig.io - ⚙️ NGINX config generator on ste...
When an Order is created, the Order remains open in case the user wants to add more items or needs more time to complete the Order. Once the Order is complete, the user has to "submit" the Order for translation. It is common to miss this step when the API is ran manually through ...
可以看到红框里面的内容我们缺失了,在\expensive-shop\mybatis-generator-tool\src\main\resources\generator\generatorConfig.xml中添加上 <property name="javaFileEncoding" value="UTF-8"/>,重新执行生成命令,可以看到我们的乱码就没有了。 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 运行 AI代码解释 @Getter @Setter @...
Convert to Log, in my case I used T-Log 16. Invert the image via 1-X (invert DCTL in log mode) use offset so that the maximum value from (2) is mapped to zero, being 0 concentration of dye. Gain so that mid gray is placed at 1.0. Dye Sim DCTL set to one of the Transmitt...
In this case, your only option will be to delete the disk and buy a new one to continue the test. Do not perform the test on a disk with service data on it. If such test is a must, you are advised to perform the test as follows: Back up the disk data before the test as ...
因为最近公司项目升级,需要将外网数据库的信息导入到内网数据库内。于是找了一些springboot多数据源的文章来看,同时也亲自动手实践。可是过程中也踩了不少的坑,主要原因是我看的文章大部分都是springboot 1.X版本的。 于是我就打算把这次搭建springboot+mybatis+druid+atomikos的框架过程记录下来,方便大家借鉴,也方便自...
In that case, you might not find the update available.It is straightforward to check if the Apple servers are fine. For this, you need to visit the System Status page of Apple. Here, search for macOS Software Update. Everything is fine if it is in green, but if not, you need to ...
chore(install): option case matching (#12881) 3天前 .editorconfig feat: adddevcontainersconfiguration (#12783) 5个月前 .gitignore chore: ignore.zwcfiles (#12936) 2个月前 .gitpod.Dockerfile Add gitpod integration 4年前 .gitpod.yml
(2) If you are sure that you have entered the correct password, but your computer still frequently disconnects from the hotspot when in use, check whether other devices are connected to the hotspot properly. If this is the case, this issue may be occurring because you are using an old ro...
SkypeforBusiness-Network Assessment Tool Initializing audio call.***Starting new call Iteration 1/1 Audio call started.Waitingforcall toend...Call shouldendshortly after configured duration of 17 s.Call completed.Packet loss rate: 0.00117785630153121 RTT latency: 20 ms...