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THE PERFECT FIT My Brest Friend Slipcovers are guaranteed to fit the original deluxe & travel nursing pillow My Brest Friend pillow for breastfeeding & nursing sold separately info: We aim to show you accurate product information. Manufacturers, suppliers and others provide what you see here, and...
品牌:My Brest Friend ️。 @万万_sunny:很多母乳麻麻都喂奶喂到腰酸背痛,這是调查身边辣妈后用過最好的餵奶神器,品牌是My brest friend,它的独特护腰设计让依靠在任何椅子时都舒服不费力,还能有效预防背部和颈部疼痛!手臂支撑设计可减去宝宝体重带来的压力,还有贴心的杂物小口袋放置随手需要的小物件,完美哺乳枕...