i have been treated for scabies and it didnt work. i get a tiny bump and it itches but in a few days its gone. This topic is answered by a medical expert.
I also had problems shaving my whole life. After going through this for 15 years and trying everything I could think of, I finially went to a dermatologist. I have skin that grow over the hairs and that is what is causing the rashes and ALL THE ITCHING. Because every time you shave ...
because ya using soap wots perfumed try shower gel Answer #10 you might have a yeast infection. I would see your doctor about it. all vaginas smell diffrent but if it has a strong musk fish smell you might have some kinda of infection. I sugest shaving, and using body washes and ...
I also want my body to keep going for a long time. I want to be there for my kids and grand kids. I want to be healthy, strong and kick ass at building my business, and I can only do that if I place wellness and self-care high on my priority list. I’ve learned that if I...
I’ve been stricken by “PUPPPs” which stands for “Pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy.” It’s basically a hive-like rash that itches like crazy and affects 1 in 100 to 1 in 200 pregnant women (mostly those carrying boys.) Also discussed: having a career and a baby...
and applying too much can do some serious damage to your moisture barrier. I’ve made that mistake before. It’s not pretty. A damaged moisture barrier manifests as red, rough, flaky skin that simultaneously itches and burns. If this happens to you, stop using your retinoid for a couple...
I don’t like washing my hair with cold water but it was refreshing after a day in a warehouse. we made it! I also never mentioned that the drainage in the showers was nearly non-existent. Which means you end up standing in water as you shower, and after your shower the entire ...
Nobody is tied to the other people. My kind of trip. Alaska means so many things to me. Adventure, Wildlife, Friends (in Anchorage and Juneau), and more. I am ready to get into exploring mode. After five months of stability, I am ready to put my foot on the pedal and find new...
When will these phantom pains and itches end? No clear answer. Aside – I can tell you that feeling itches on a part of your body that is no longer attached is pretty uncomfortable and very disconcerting. Did I have general anaesthetic in the end? No, just extra sedative. ...
Thank you for your past advise. I now have another question that is regarding another feral cat that has been with us since 1999. She seems to have developed an...