sites for sith static induction sith pureblood sitiophobia sitiuated action sits hushd his partne sitting at home sitting in a sandpit sitting in asandpit sitting in my positio sitting machine sitting on the grass sitting outside sitting upright sitting-room sittner hall situaciones de emerge sit...
spring pools spring pressure gauge spring rope pulley spring shall return spring steel splint spring street interna spring summer fall wi spring tension bar he spring z plate springharmony springs abundance spring shrapnel spring spring meets t spring-actuated spring-loadedpushbutt spring the snow is ...
I see managers foregoing investments that can improve productivity while lower operational cost, because there performance bonus is tied to how much money they can save the company, while the workers are asked to make ” blood out of stone” to make it work or risk being terminated. I see J...
Push it! If you are able to release daily your development speed will increase, and you have less pressure that a change did not make it into the current release. And if something brakes, than your change set which I need to debug is much smaller. Since you can't release native apps ...
For a while, I was taking this blood pressure medicine that helped–it stops the protein, by opening up something-or-other (I do not know the specifics), from doing further damage and it was working for a while. The downside was that it plummeted my BP and so I was dizzy all the ...
Suddenly I was taking a full course load, including the very technical pathophysiology, where we memorized physics equations associated with blood vessel compliance, and because 15 weeks were compressed into 12, it was extra accelerated. The week of July 4th, an extra element was added: a once...
Kensington Eye Institute: Highly efficient cataract procedure seemed less involved than some dental surgery I’ve had. Put into chair, with simultaneous application of drops in eyes, blood pressure cuff, and IV into back of hand. Wheeled into operating room, with doctor and anesthesiologist for le...
This probably was caused by many years of being morbidly obese and having high blood pressure. I lost 160lbs, and am now much healthier, but that damage doesn't just repair itself. However, people who are otherwise perfectly healthy can also get it, and it's also common among athletes th...
Today’s physiology lecture, on the regulation of blood pressure, was the setting for one such riff. “…So we all agree that maintaining blood flow to the brain is, like, extremely important, right?” he said. He could see lots of nodding. “Good. And, to review, why is it so...
Vespid venoms also cause the contraction of smooth muscles, reduced blood pressure, and the release of histamine and other biogenic amines. Hemolysis induced by lytic peptides and phospholipases may cause kidney damage. There is usually additional damage to surrounding tissues from the products of ...