She and her boyfriend, Lilit, own a small farm outside of town, which she describes as “rustic” meaning they regularly travel into the city to enjoy a hot shower and electricity for a few hours. I listen as they tell of how they have been rebuilding their farmhouse and learning to ma...
Coconut Oil & Cocoa ButterThough it has gained in popularity amongst those with dry, parched skin, acneic skin can do well without it. Coconut oil contains saturated as well as unsaturated fats and by now we should know that they are bad news for acne-prone skin. Algae ExtractIt may be ...
What he needs is not the discharge of tension at any cost but the call of a potential meaning waiting to be fulfilled by him.” This is a mind-opening book that would remind you of the magic in being here and breathing and living in the first place. Now we go on fulfilling what is...
The same question was answered by Adi Shankara in hisNirvana Shatkamhundreds of years ago, so instead of pondering blankly, I have been focusing on thisstotramtrying to understand something, anything. I know the words by heart, as I recite them every day. I know the meaning of the words ...
being that due to it being based on Python, it doesn't stop at 10 digits for calculation, and the Python IDE I used on a low end Windows 10 laptop was able to easily calculate answers that gave you small numbers for several pages without any error (meaning it can easily calculate a ...