Actually, green poop is common in both breastfed and formula-fed babies, but it's more common in formula-fed babies. While breastfed babies tend to have poop that's yellowish (and sometimes slightly greenish), formula-fed babies have poop that's more brown: usually tan, yellow/brown, ...
Green poop is typical in babies, but sometimes it could indicate an allergy or illness. If you’ve changed your baby’s diaper and been surprised by poop in shades of dark green, light green, or anything in between, you may wonder if you should be worried. In most cases, no. What do...
The x axis is time and the y axis is frequency. You can see blue and green bands in the 20–70 kHz range that correspond to the peaks I listed above during the periods the lamp is on. Also note that there is no change in the sound output lower than 20 kHz when the lamp is on....
“Why is that?,” and a second reporter who said that while that might be true, the first reporter would eventually get his ass kicked. (I’m only at 208 words, so a little aside won’t hurt.)
“My dog didn’t shit. Why would I be carrying this poop bag if I didn’t intend to clean it?” “I’M GOING DOWN THERE AND IF I SEE SHIT I AM RUBBING IT IN YOUR FACE.” [This is a verbatim quote] I continue on down the block past my house because my dogstill needs to sh...
Baby needs-a-name, from Strawberry Shortcake, gets a name no one will ever forget; a roast for Cobra Commander has a surprise ending and the creators finally reveal the secret of what happened to Skeeter from Muppet Babies. EP9No Country for Old Dogs ...
And instead of asking where we are or how far we have to go or where babies come from, they tell you. A geography lesson. “Six more miles, Mom!” “Only 4.4 miles! So, like, 11 minutes!” Imagine your GPS were voiced not by a calm yet confident computerized woman — my mom ...
At breakfast I found out half of my safari buddies had also endured a bad sleep while the other half slept like babies. But we had a whole day safari in Maasai Mara ahead of us and that was the best thing in the world in that morning at the end of August. –Haaaa, did you hear...
Whitney said, “Mom I love watching you hold babies.” I’ve loved babies since I can remember and didn’t mind the challenges of the baby phase with my 3. Some call me the baby whisperer and even though I don’t sing well babies seem to like the songs I sing them. This big ...
We spotted a baby carriage and went over to see the babies. They weren’t the kind of babies we were expecting to see. Hey mom, I think I need a stroller for when we take these long walks. What? NO I WON’T PUSH YOU IN THE STROLLER. ...