). The metal balls rotate in opposite directions and create a suction-like effect. It's giving my arm a really deep massage by pinching the skin as I continue rolling it around. I do this for a few minutes and my arm feels tingly and looks a bit red. This thing really gets the ...
酷狗音乐为您提供由HMAPMB演唱的高清音质无损My Body Feels Tinglymp3在线听,听My Body Feels TinglyAI音乐版、唢呐版、DJ版、钢琴版、伴奏版、清唱版、尤克里里版、骨笛版、变速版、变调版只来酷狗音乐!
Charlie moved the rickety chair away from her door and cracked it open just enough to sneak out quietly. She found her mother lying on her stomach on the ancient, sagging couch with one arm hanging to the floor. It was still early and knowing Cece like she did, she’d be out for hou...
cost sb. an arm and a leg 花大笔钱 168. have the upper hand 占优势 169. everything but the sink 所有的东西 170. Boys will be boys. 男孩就是男孩 171. Not be able to get a word in edgewise. 插不上话 172. go back to square one 回到原地 173. It's never too late to learn....
the lefties celebrating boy if this one doesn’t hit me right in the feels (photo cred: Mia, mom of Karson) Corey Reffner, assistant coach Les Lepako (asst coach, Rubber Arm) Coach Les is the perennial batting practice pitcher. He exceeds the 100- pitch limit every single day and the...
I truly am a believer in Creativity (duh) and doing what you enjoy. If you want to make money off it, that’s alright too. If not, still do what feels good. But what if after all this time you’re not sure it connects to the universe?
I was at work when I started to get tingly on my right side. My stomach was all butterflies, so I headed to the bathroom. I immediately wanted to be alone to try to gauge if it was something stroke-related or maybe/hopefully something else. When I opened the door and headed to the...
From as long ago as 1974, it was well-documented that antibodies were in fact not required to survive the measles virus – survival was dependent on the “other arm” of the immune system, known as the cell-mediated response. In P.J. Lachmann’s paper “Immunopathology of Measles“, he...
Thank you for writing this… This past week I’ve been experiencing something similar–that tingly, aggravated, trapped feeling as I nurse my 20 month old. Unfortunately, it’s coincided with a time when she seems to really need me (or maybe she senses my aversion?) I figured that maybe...
Getting up to pee was the worst because I had an IV coming out of my arm and my foot, an oxygen tube running through my nose, and my whole monitor thing I had to wheel to the bathroom. Anesthesia makes you constipated but I probably peed five or six times while in the hospital. ...