全球最大动漫网站Myganimelist(基本与国人无关)人气标记最高的10个动漫男角色,有没有你喜欢的? 来自: 针目缝 2021-11-12 11:17:34 已编辑 10:鸣人—《火影忍者》 9:爱德华·艾尔利克—《钢之炼金术师fa》 8:奇犽·揍敌客—《全职猎人》 7:索隆—《海贼王》 6:夜神月—《死亡笔记》 5:冈部伦太郎—《...
Kuingsmile/PicHoro - 一款手机端云存储平台/图床管理和文件上传/下载工具,支持直接管理Webdav,Alist,SSH/SFTP,云服务器,兼容S3 API的平台,腾讯COS,阿里OSS,七牛云,又拍云,兰空图床,Imgur,SM.MS和github mulaRahul/keyviz - Keyviz is a free and open-source tool to visualize your keystrokes ⌨️ and...
All the anime and manga I have watched / read. Anime cover : I prefer the anime or I only watched the anime. Anime manga : I prefer the manga or I only read the manga. Create a My anime / manga (10) tier list. Check out our otherAnime tier list templatesand the most recent use...
I will try to pick on a staff member and it will close the app, every time…, the app will never show me the information about the staff member(this is only for certain staff members). 2) It does have a LOT of anime but it was missing a few. One example I can bring up is “...
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Of the 144147 characters on Anime Characters Database, 7 are from the anime Days with My Stepsister.
lz你那个网站名打错了,是Myanimelist不是Myganimelist。还有saber—《fate/say》是fate/stay night不是《fate/say》 赞(4) 回复 春夏秋冬 (啦啦啦) 2021-11-15 07:00:08 为什么会有这种感觉?不过论坛漫迷基础男性确实远大于女性。 针目缝 破案了,这个网站的用户75%的男性,25%的女性。 https://myanim...
Of the 144147 characters on Anime Characters Database, 6 are from the 动画 My Hero Academia Season 7.
Each month you'll receive 4+ items from your favorite pop culture franchises. They're all about celebrating nostalgic moments and characters and offer boxes for gamers, comic collectors, anime fans, and the like. Choose from 5 different subscription box lines: Loot Crate (most popular ...
in jsonAuth.py change the value of client_id to your client ID from MAL API example: # your id is < 1234ABCD!@#$ >: client_id = '1234ABCD!@#$' a secret file named '.client_ID.json' will be generated with your id run 'main.py' and enjoy! referencies: https://myanimeli...