STEP 3 MYSAGA IS READY MySaga is the story of your Ancient Past. Your DNA is brought to life and you can watch it, save it and share it with friends and family. Archaeological Certainty compares your DNA to those of over 10,000 real ancient individuals representing over 150...
STEP 3 MYSAGA IS READY MySaga is the story of your Ancient Past. Your DNA is brought to life and you can watch it, save it and share it with friends and family. Archaeological Certainty compares your DNA to those of over 10,000 real ancient individuals representing over 150...
My Hamiltons were from Ireland, and most of my DNA comes from the British Isles generally. I have a mix of Celtic, English, and Viking blood in me, according to Ancestry DNA. Note: this ancestral lineage might have something to do with my fascination with the British Isles, as well as ...
I've used MyHeritage to test my DNA and then I've uploaded my raw data on to find out more about my results. My top ancient civilizations are perfectly in line with my background (although I didn't know many of the info provided!) but I was also able to find ma... DNA test verifies Bob Atchison's descent from a Cherokee chief and his wife, who was captured in a 1797 raid on Morgan's Station, Kentucky.
Over the last two months, I have been working with an AncestryDNA match of mine at 32cM who was listed as a 4th cousin. It was on my paternal side and because I am estranged from that side of the family, I haven’t really pursued my matches on that side. What made this person un...
closet the next time your millennial son/daughter/grandson/granddaughter/niece/nephew come over, and tell them the story behind it. Pull up a historic map and overlay it with a current one to show them where the great-great-grandparents lived in the 1800s and what that area looks like ...
Released in July 2022, Discover is the amazing new free product that details your ancestor’s Y DNA“story” and his walk through time and across the globe. In the past 18 months, all of the Discover features are new, so I’m only making a brief list here. The great thing is that ...
myPreciseDNA Heritage Our ancestry DNA test that traces your heritage genetic makeup back 200,000 years. Explore your origin story. Learn more How can a DNA Test Be Beneficial to You? Take control of your health goals with myPreciseDNA Wellness, a DNA test that empowers you to achieve opt...
Hi. My name is Sandra Goodwin , and researching my family’s story almost didn’t happen. I spent two years thinking about starting my family history. After all, what would be out there aboutmyancestors. They were just regular folk. I had nobody famous in my ancestry. My mother’s peo...