One day, out of nowhere, I suspect because of USB driver updates, all of my USB ports stopped working. After doing some research, I found - 738021
If you found them, you need to give them permission to go through your firewall: Fix Error 80029c4a. Once done, turn on Automatic Updates. This lets QuickBooks download and installs the latest updates when they're available. Doing this helps the program to always have the latest features ...
If you see any of the following listed below in your quarantine, make sure to give them permission to go through your firewall. Usually, these files are located in C:\Program Files\Intuit\QuickBooks (year). Files with (x86) in the location,...
For the example provided by Heroku, Google, Amazon. They try to make your life easier. Pro: easy to use. Con: more expensive. My hint: if unsure use PaaS. If you want to learn the basics of running a server, then use a VPS. Keep your directories clean There are two kinds of ...
I have the exact same issue - I cannot do anything after I try to launch the game and it freezes on the Easy Anti-Cheat startup. Everything freezes and I have to do a hard reset on the PC. I've done all the same steps as you and I'm out of ideas. Anyone have ...
By creating a Windows Firewall or Applocker rule blocking access of that executable to the internet, you effectively block Quick Assist. Get and Give Remote Assistance with Quick Assist app in Windows 10 - some unfinished discussion as to whether both accounts had to be MS accounts or not. ...
To understand why the Amazon has been set on fire by arsonists hoping to make more money, we need to talk about the election of Jair Bolsonaro. There are many reasons not to like Bolsonaro. A former member of the military, he is an apologist for the brutal military rule in Brazil that...
failures had nothing to do with language choice and more to do with overthinking solutions and abysmal implementation skills. Whatever the Proponent of Python decides to do in response to this dumpster fire, we can only hope that he recovers his mental for the next episode, ofDays of Our ...
Voldemort An open source clone of Amazon's Dynamo. Voldemort is a distributed key-value storage system. License: Apache 2 , . Alluxio (formerly Tachyon) Memory-Speed Virtual Distributed Storage System. License: Apache 2 , . Opentsdb A scalable, distributed Time Series Database. License: GNU...
Woah! My box just stopped talking to me! Hey! I can’t access the server! These and other variations on the connectivity theme are some of the most common problems raised on theAmazon EC2 forum. The EC2 community and Amazon employees do a valiant job helping users track down and solve ...