My child’s PI says that my child’s funding is likely safe, at least for now. However, others in the lab won’t be as lucky. This university-wide funding freeze is having severe consequences in almost every research lab. The freeze will significantly impact how many new graduate students...
I invest all this time and energy into everyone’s else’s happiness, that by the time my birthday caps off the season, and no one has invested the same amount of time and energy into me, I feel let down and angry. It’s a vicious cycle. But this year, this BIG year will be ...
A universal redux version of my Meteor attempt at Words with Friends (online scrabble). - words-with-strangers-redux/input_words.txt at master · joshwcomeau/words-with-strangers-redux
In the background of this picture my aunt kneels on the floor, her long, long hair hanging across her lap, wearing pants with an wild pattern with flowers on the kneecaps, and possibly a shawl in a completely different but equally intricate pattern. Someone in the foreground, too blurry ...
” and then the night before the moving truck arrived she said with a straight face “I thought you were just making this all up to get attention.” Dear Reader, you may remember that this was also the line when I got accepted and funding to go to college in the first place as an ...
Singapore even brags that they have a “vehicle quota system” that caps new cars in the country and sets a zero-growth rate for cars and motorcycles. I did not realize how widespread this propaganda has reached. Bali, Indonesia From Singapore, we got on the cruise ship, Celebrity Edge, ...
On forums where I’ve spoken out, I’ve been called names, threatened, yelled at (The all caps thing…lol…), told I’m an idiot, etc. I guess when you fly in the face of convention, it doesn’t go over well, does it? Haha… Have a great day! Reply Apocalyptic queen (UK) ...
bottle caps, and candlestick glue. There were three groups that even created fruits and flowers with clay, colored paper, and white foam; there were green plants plugged inside plastic caps, imitating plant pots. There was a group that used colored paper to drop into a small plastic cap, pr...