The first time, the state’s Attorney General brought me in to go over the account books of Public Service of New Mexico (PNM), a racketeering enterprise masquerading as an electric company. Too young to understand what I wasn’t supposed to know, I proudly mapped out the sewerage lines ...
Instead of viewing sin as a series of behaviors, the Bible views sin more as a cancer – the result of living outside of Eden, missing the mark of the glory of God, living outside of his embrace. Everything else is a RESULT of sin. Behavior, shame, guilt, terror, and everything t...
Sometimes, our expenses pile up shockingly fast, more than our credit card, emergency bank account, or other financial resources can handle. Thus, we have no extra cash to pay our mortgages or property taxes. Or a natural disaster strikes and our homes need lots more repairs than we could ...
Can we, as Christians, uphold the perfect standard of the wholeness of Eden and at the same time acknowledge the reality of the fall and confess our need for redemption? I think we have to, to be consistent with the scripture. We might long for the days of Eden, where marriage was wit...
From the choice of fruit in Eden to “choose you this day whom you will serve” to the great and mudane daily choices we make to try and reflect the nature of Christ, it has been our freedom to choose that’s the key. Not coercion. Not enforcement. Not Sharia-type law. A choice ...
probing its depths with sonar. The brothers caught a break when a Japanese historian found a lost account of the Grunion ’s last battle, which mentioned a confrontation between a cargo ship and the sub. The freighter’s crew spotted two torpedoes bubbling toward them, the first of which mi...
In this captivating video, we dive deep into the intriguing dream of “RUSH HOUR,” exploring its rich symbolism and divine messages. Join Thomas as he unravels the meaning behind a high-stakes dream sequence involving a pregnant woman, a fateful leap, and an unexpected encounter with Chris Tu...
Chicago has this old feeling to it that I immediately came to appreciate and long for. As the train dashed down the tracks I could see all of the old brick housing, built closely together and looking to be pre-World War II in construction. There were lots of decks built onto the rear...
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41 Minutes 50 Seconds Essays Examining Xenophobia by William W. Berry of Buffalo, New York LETTERS PUBLISHED IN THE BUFFALO NEWS Wednesday, January 28, 1998 "SURELY ALLENTOWN HAS ROOM FOR EVERYONE" I have lived in and around Allentown since 1971 and found Arlan Peters' recent letter condemning...