BME280 传感器与 STM32 Blue Pill 连接,并使用 HAL 库在 STM32CubeIDE 中对其进行编程。首先,我们将简要介绍 BME280 传感器,然后将其与我们的 STM32 接口,并使用 STMCube IDE 对其进行编程以测量温度、压力和湿度。为了演示,我们将 SSD1306 OLED 与 STM32 Blue Pill 连接以查看 OLED 上的传感器数据。
Solved: Hi, Occasionally my I2C bus (running as the master) locks up. And so I try and re-initialized it. I can see the slave let go and SDA and SCL
Occasionally my I2C bus (running as the master) locks up. And so I try and re-initialized it. I can see the slave let go and SDA and SCL go high. So then I try and re-init by setting the lines up as GPIO. But I'm unable to bit-bang them high or low. I have the following...