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(57)< Abstract > The conduction of heat roller (10) which is used for industry and the office device, has with ceramic heating layer (13) and this ceramic heating layer and the 2nd ceramic layer (12) which is arranged between the core bodies. As for 2nd ceramic layer (12), as the ...
作者:森下真 出版社:东立出版 语言:繁体中文 出版地:中国台湾 页面信息仅供参考,具体以实物为准 内容简介 「酢橘屋」家族自王都归来了。 村人为了获得5★而奋斗。玛欧因为察觉某件事情而烦恼。 贾巴拉面临全新挑战。正在如此渡过每一天的他们,接到了意外的消息,「酢橘屋」一行人于是出发前往新天地! 「酢橘屋」家...
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演出报价 谢娜演出费45万/场 谢娜明星代言,明星演出 经纪人热线 经纪人:田先生 电话:18618185039 手机:18618185039 更多“谢娜”的新闻 >> 更多“谢娜”的图片 >> 更多“谢娜”的音乐 >> 更多“谢娜”的视频 >> 更多“谢娜”搜索关键字>> 谢娜经纪公司 谢娜签约公司 ...
A light weight dustbin trolley comprises a loading platform (1), a support frame (2) attached to the loading platform, a means for releasably securing a dustbin to the frame and a means to releasably secure a dustbin lid to the dustbin whilst it is loaded on the trolley. The upper part...
$%^&*AU2013101412A420131128.pdf### This innovation patent discloses a new pen container including a container body. The container body includes the upper container body and lower container body; a half-round drawer is set up between the upper container body and lower container body; a jOTi±...