The visuals are absolutely gorgeous and exactly what you would expect from a fairly high-profile game like this one. The bikes look and feel like bikes, the riders look and move like riders, and the grass, well it pretty much acts like grass. If you're on a dirk track, you'll even...
"extreme racing" motor sports together in the same off-road arenas with this cross-platform release. MX vs. ATV Unleashed features plenty of dirt bikes and four-wheelers, of course, as well as monster trucks, sand rails, tricked-out golf carts, and even bi-planes, all set ...
Both the MX bikes and the ATVs race and react differently, which makes for some interesting options. The physics for each are similar, but you cannot race the two vehicles the same—they each have their own pros and cons. You are still limited by the number of tracks available, but bein...
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Pure Fix Cycles | Fixed gear bikes for only $329 H&M | H&M HK Branding | Fedelima Concept on Behance Moon by Ai Weiwei & Olafur Eliasson 是真心相愛還是一廂情願?內容行銷五大盲點,你中了幾項? - Inside 硬塞的網路趨勢觀察 social bookmarking for pictures on VisualizeUs OVERPAYING FOR...