As an improvement, players can optionally toggle tac stance while sliding. Adjusted Movement: Jump Changes Jump higher, faster and jump ADS quicker. Reduced the slow-down when landing from the first jump and reduced the sprint-out delay after jumping. ...
Standard Armory Challenge unlock – Reach max weapon level and get 25 kills while hip firing or using Tac-Stance The JAK Annihilator Bullpup Kit for the Pulemyot 762 LMG is an Aftermarket Part that does what it says on the tin, turning this sluggish machine gun into a more agile, bullpup...
Sunset Waves(Get 50 operator kills) Simpler Times(Get 50 operator kills while aiming down sights) Electro Torrent(Get 15 operator headshot kills) Sunny Side(Get 25 operator Tac Stance kills) Mastery camo challenges Gilded(Get 50 operator kills while ADS with full attachments equipped) Forged(Get ...
Topo Gloom: Get 10 kills in five seconds 10 times Palette Cyst: Get 250 kills while in Tac Stance Caustic River: Get 200 critical kills Mastery camos Golden Enigma: Get 100 kills and successfully extract in a single deployment Zircon Scale: Get 300 Pack-A-Punch Kills Serpentinite: Get 10 ...
Topo Spirit: Get 250 kills while in Tac Stance Stonework: Get 250 kills with the gun at Rare or higher rarity Spectral Sight: Get 200 critical kills Mastery Camos and Challenges for DG-58 LSW Golden Enigma: Get 100 kills and successfully extract in a single deployment ...
Topo Spirit DG-58 LSW In Zombies, get 250 kills while in Tac Stance with the DG-58 LSW 12 Stonework DG-58 LSW In Zombies, get 250 kills with the DG-58 LSW at Rare or Higher Rarity 19 Spectral Sight DG-58 LSW In Zombies, get 200 Critical Kills with the DG-58 LSW 29 Golden Enig...
Get five operator or special Zombie kills while aiming down sights with shotguns Reward:“Kill Shot” emblem Get seven operator or special zombie Tac Stance kills with shotguns Reward:“Elegant Riposte” finishing move Once the above challenges are complete, the Reclaimer 18 unlock challenge is avai...
Germ Factory(Get 15 headshot kills) Purple(Get 25 kills while in Tac Stance) Mastery camo challenges Gilded(Get three kills with one mag 10 times) Forged(Get 10 kills while moving in Tac Stance) Priceless(Kill 10 enemies affected by a tactical while in Tac Stance) ...